07946 640314 pinx_th@hotmail.com

Back in 2014 I trained in Oncology Massage with Middlesex School of Complimentary Medicine. I was volunteering back then at the local cancer support centre, The Olive Tree. Whilst there and after doing the course I gained confidence to provide oncology massage therapies to clients who are in remission as well as those who are currently undergoing treatment.

So, can massage help?

Yes. Massage helps lifts your mood, enhances your well being and improves your sleep. For those with cancer, massage is a natural way to give your respite from exhaustion as well as anxiety. It also helps with headaches, stress,  pain as well as other side effects of chemo or radiotherapy. Massage can improve the quality of your life as well as enables you to cope with the illness.

What to expect:

As other therapies a full medical history and consultation with be taken. Your massage will be bespoke to to you only and each appt may vary depending your current health.

Mobile appts is available for those with limited mobility.